Community Work


From day one, we've been committed to helping the community

For over 35 years, Electrician To The Rescue has been an active member of the community, by supporting good causes, both locally and abroad.

We help by providing free electrical work, manpower, and cash donations to aid good causes across the globe.

We help a range of charities and organisations such as Cystic Fibrosis NSW, Barnardos, Amnesty International, Médecins Sans Frontières, Lifeline, Wheelchairs For Kids and UNHCR to name a few.

Our aim is to make a positive contribution to both the local and global community through our contributions of free electrical work and monetary donations.

Read on to learn about some of the great causes we support!


Cystic Fibrosis NSW

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) NSW is our state’s division of Cystic Fibrosis Australia.

Every four days a child is born affected by CF. The life expectancy for a person with CF is so low, that most won’t live past 40. This is much lower than the median life expectancy of 80.3 years for men, and 84.4 years for women.

CF causes a range of related conditions – shortness of breath, regular bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia, crippling stomach pains, poor digestion and a variety of bacterial infections and lung problems.

Cystic Fibrosis NSW seeks to alleviate the effects of CF through building a base of support for research, for treatment of people living with CF, and for community and public awareness of how to better and best support people who have the condition. With the debilitating effects of CF so apparent, this work is lifesaving, and works towards improvements in the quality of life of people with CF.

Cystic Fibrosis NSW holds numerous events throughout the year to raise awareness and funds for their work and the work of the Children’s Hospital at Westmead – including the 65k 4 65 Roses Walkathon, the Crazy Hair Day, and a number of other fundraising and awareness initiatives.

We’re proud to support Cystic Fibrosis NSW and would love it if you’d check out their website and consider supporting this work.

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Lifeline is a national charity that provides mental health, suicide prevention and crisis support service over the phone.

The people at Lifeline believe most suicides are preventable and they are committed to a whole-community approach to preventing suicide in Australia, in which everyone plays a role.

By reducing stigma, promoting awareness, and building a climate for access to care and provision of care by Lifeline and the wider community, Lifeline envisages a suicide-free Australia.

Lifeline receives over one million contacts from help seekers each year.

The Lifeline telephone service – 13 11 14 – provides a confidential, non-judgemental service offered by trained telephone crisis support volunteers.

We are proud to support Lifeline at Electrician To The Rescue. Their work really does change, as well as save lives.

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Electrician To The Rescue has been a proud supporter of Barnardos for more than 10 years by providing them with charitable free electrical services.

Barnardos is one of Australia's leading child protection charities. They work hard to strengthen families, encourage participation in the community, and pursue social justice through their unmoving motivation to change the lives of young people across Australia.

Since the late 1800’s, Barnardos have been putting disadvantaged and vulnerable children first, finding real and permanent solutions to ensure that children and young people have the chance to be loved and nurtured. They help children to build relationships with each other, their families and the community, encouraging them to voice their issues and be heard.

For well over 10 years we have been providing free plumbing & electrical work to the Auburn Children’s Family Centre.

Tim, the owner/operator of Electrician To The Rescue says, "the staff at the Barnardos Auburn Centre are the most caring people around. The work they do helping children & their families who are suffering is heart-warming. They deserve all the help we can give them and their clients".

If you want to help a good cause, this one is hard to beat.


Amnesty International

Amnesty International is a premier global movement of people campaigning to protect human rights. Started by UK-based lawyer, Peter Benenson in 1961, Amnesty International have worked tirelessly on several fronts to protect the interests of dispossessed marginalised people and defend ordinary folk from human rights abuses.

Benenson’s initial vision of a world in which no one is imprisoned, tortured or executed because of religious, political or other views, has grown to a movement of over seven million members in more than 150 countries.

Working hard across the world to promote human rights and defend against abuse, there’s been countless trials and successes since the organisation’s birth in 1961.

Over the last fifty odd years, Amnesty International have pushed governments and corporations around the world towards greater accountability for human rights abuses. Dignity, justice, freedom, equality and a fair go are at the centre of Amnesty International’s ethos, truly independent of any government, business, religious or political group.

As the world’s largest human rights organisation, Amnesty International is on the frontlines protecting everyday people in the twenty first century. Electrician To The Rescue is proud to support Amnesty International in their work defending human rights.

It’s easy to get involved and support Amnesty International to make a real global difference.


Médecins Sans Frontières

Officially established in 1971, Médecins Sans Frontières which translates to Doctors without Borders, have helped over a hundred million patients around the world.

An international organisation not linked to any government or business, fiercely and proudly independent, Médecins Sans Frontières offers aid to patients based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation. Impartial and neutral, Médecins Sans Frontières doctors prioritise medical service in crises, above the interests of disparate parties, including governments, businesses and other groups.

Médecins Sans Frontières was founded on the belief that all people in need have the right to medical care and that the needs of these people outweigh respect for national boundaries. In the words of founder Bernard Kouchner, “it’s no coincidence we called it Médecins Sans Frontières.”

Médecins Sans Frontières aims first and foremost to provide high quality medical care to the people who need it the most. In 2018, Médecins Sans Frontières delivered 47,783 babies, treated 42,911 children for malnourishment, provided over 160,000 general medical consultations, 75,358 children & 10,929 babies received hospital care, more than 15,000 people received surgical intervention, over 7,000 people started Hepatitis C treatment, over 15,000 psychological consultations were provided, and 120,000 children received malaria preventative treatment. These are just some of the great things they have achieved.

As you can see, the work of Médecins Sans Frontières is vital. Electrician To The Rescue is proud to support this organisation, and invites you to get involved too!


Wheelchairs For Kids

In 1998 Wheelchairs For Kids was started at the Rotary Club of Scarborough, WA.

It’s a volunteer workforce of over 150 mostly retired persons.

Wheelchairs For Kids provide, build and refurbish roughly 300 wheelchairs a month for underprivileged and disabled children in developing countries.

According to Wheelchairs For Kids CEO, Gordon Hudson, over 50 million children need wheelchairs around the world.

On average, 3,550 wheelchairs are produced per year by Wheelchairs For Kids, and while amazing, this unfortunately doesn’t meet the demand.

That’s why Electrician To The Rescue is so proud to support this important work!

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The office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was opened on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. Under its mandate, the organisation leads and co-ordinates international action to protect the wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers and resolve refugee problems worldwide.

UNHCR strives globally to ensure the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another country, with the option of returning home voluntarily, integrate locally, or resettle in a third country. Since 1950, the organisation has helped more than 50 million people get a new start in their lives.

More than 16,803 staff work in 134 countries to help and protect the millions of displaced persons, returnees, internally displaced people, and stateless people. With two Noble Peace Prizes to its name, UNHCR is a globally respected institution with a long history of helping those who need it the most.

Working hard across the world to protect the interests of refugees, UNHCR is nearing its 70-year anniversary. Among the biggest operations are services provided in Afghanistan, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Pakistan, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq.

We’re proud at Electrician To The Rescue to be able to say we support refugees across the world by supporting UNHCR with regular donations and fundraising campaigns, such as our Fundraiser For Nepal - which supported relief work during the 2015 earthquake disaster.